- Justin's first tweet was on June 19th 2009. Believe album came out June 19th and it's Justin Bieber day.
- Justin punya lebih dari 150 snapbacks.
- more than 70% of girls made their twitter support account for Justin.
- Justin dikategorikan sebagai artis no.1 Billboard Social 50, berkat album Journals yg berhasil menjadi nomor 1 di 50 negara
- pernah dapet 350 Million votes, dan yg 315 Million diantaranya adalah votes itu buat Justin.
- Believe Tour itu terhitung sudah digelar di 156 negara.
- Katanya Justin kemarin berhasil buat surprise dengan ngunjungin rumah Miley & keluarganya ngundang nonton film Believe.
- Kabarnya Sepatu yg Justin kenakan di Believe Movie Premier itu Hanya ada 1 di Dunia .
- Baju yg dipakai Justin di BMP seharga Rp. 20,7 jt. sedangkan Celana nya Rp. 10,1 jt .
- Justin kadang sempet mikir semua ini agak gila, dia bisa seterkenal kayak sekarang cuman dengan halaman youtubenya dan kamera tua
- Dad Jeremy cuman 19 tahun lebih tua dari pada Justin, dan mom pattie cuman 18 tahun lebih tua dibanding Justin.
- Kakeknya Justin itu selalu ngingetin Justin, walaupun dia udah jadi orang yg terkenal, Justin tetep harus selalu ngehargai orang lain
- Ada yg bilang kalo tradisi OLLG itu bukannya diganti jadi Hold Tight , tapi cuma di kombinasi.
- Ibunya Justin selalu nasehatin Justin, walau dia udah terkenal kaya sekarang, dia gaboleh lupa sama masa lalu nya dulu
- Sebenernya Justin break buat tahun 2014 itu bukan cuman dari keinginannya, tapi Justin juga disuruh sama Scooter buat break
- Pas ada fans yg ngetweet "no one care about me,i want to die" justin langsung ngebales "i care"
Minggu, 29 Desember 2013
Fakta Unik One Direction Terbaru 2013 #2
- kata Liam pantatnya Niall kayak BOM :D
- dulu Liam suka dipanggil keruang kepsek gara2 dia sering main air di WC dan manjat atap sekolah.
- the boys pernah marah2 gara2 Niall teriak2 nyanyi Call Me Maybe di kamar mandi
- Louis suka ngadain followspree tapi diem2 dan gak bilang2
- kalo ada kejadian yang belum pernah the boys lakuin biasanya Niall videoin soalnya dia mau kenang.
- Lagu favorite Niall di album Midnight Memories adalah Little White Lies, You and I, dan Story Of My Life
- Niall mau jadi Cinderella asalkan yang jadi pangerannya Justin Bieber
-Sampai sekarang Liam masih suka banget nyanyiin lagu WMYB
- the boys kalo pake baju gak peduli itu baju siapa, kalo suka langsung ambil aja :D
- louis bilang kalo di antara semua member 1D, dia adalah member 1D yang paling jago maen pokemon.
- Louis pernah marah sama Mirror (majalah UK) gara-gara ngeberitain berita jelek ttg mamanya
- Fans 1D terbanyak di asia itu Jepang, Filipina & Indonesia (:
- Theboys pernah mergokin harry di dapur,ia lagi ngomong sama kentang
- Zayn dikenal tukang tidur dikelas, Harry orang yang suka telat dikelas, dan Niall dikenal suka nyimpen makanan dikelas.
- Niall biasanya order quarterpounder pake cheese, 6 nuggets dan cheesburger di mcd
beep.. beep :3 eh, gue nepatin janji kan yaps buat nge-lanjut facts ? only for directioners nih :3 buat beliebers tunggu ye facts-facts dari gue :3
- dulu Liam suka dipanggil keruang kepsek gara2 dia sering main air di WC dan manjat atap sekolah.
- the boys pernah marah2 gara2 Niall teriak2 nyanyi Call Me Maybe di kamar mandi
- Louis suka ngadain followspree tapi diem2 dan gak bilang2
- kalo ada kejadian yang belum pernah the boys lakuin biasanya Niall videoin soalnya dia mau kenang.
- Lagu favorite Niall di album Midnight Memories adalah Little White Lies, You and I, dan Story Of My Life
- Niall mau jadi Cinderella asalkan yang jadi pangerannya Justin Bieber
-Sampai sekarang Liam masih suka banget nyanyiin lagu WMYB
- the boys kalo pake baju gak peduli itu baju siapa, kalo suka langsung ambil aja :D
- louis bilang kalo di antara semua member 1D, dia adalah member 1D yang paling jago maen pokemon.
- Louis pernah marah sama Mirror (majalah UK) gara-gara ngeberitain berita jelek ttg mamanya
- Fans 1D terbanyak di asia itu Jepang, Filipina & Indonesia (:
- Theboys pernah mergokin harry di dapur,ia lagi ngomong sama kentang
- Zayn dikenal tukang tidur dikelas, Harry orang yang suka telat dikelas, dan Niall dikenal suka nyimpen makanan dikelas.
- Niall biasanya order quarterpounder pake cheese, 6 nuggets dan cheesburger di mcd
beep.. beep :3 eh, gue nepatin janji kan yaps buat nge-lanjut facts ? only for directioners nih :3 buat beliebers tunggu ye facts-facts dari gue :3
SHOT - Chapter 1
Title: Shot
Author: Erica Mulyani
Genre: Hurts , Romance , Badass ,
Adult , Night Club Life.
Cast: Liam Payne as Him Self ,
Barbara Palvin as Levina Adrienne , Eric Saade as Danny Simpson , and the
1 – The First
Sepertinya matahari kini terbit lebih
cepat dari perkiraanku, atau mungkin aku sudah terlalu lama tertidur di ranjang
empuk ini. Kini sinar matahari dengan mudah masuk melewati celah-celah jendela
yang sengaja aku buka sedari tadi malam. Aku mencoba membuka mataku perlahan-lahan
dan mulai merenggangkan otot-otot tubuhku, itu sedikit membuat tubuhku
menggeliat diatas kasur. Mataku menilik satu-persatu yang ada di hadapanku kali
Uh, ternyata ini bukan kamarku , mengingat kasur empuk
yang habis aku tiduri dan kini, barang-barang disini terlihat mewah. Sangat
jauh sekali jika dibandingkan dengan kamarku yang memiliki kasur keras yang
sudah lapuk dan beberapa barang yang sudah mulai mengusam dan berdebu.
Aku mulai memincingkan mataku dan mencoba
mengingat semuanya. Ah, iya ! tentu saja.
Semalam Danny berniat untuk mengantarkanku pulang, namun saat di perjalanan ,
sebuah stasiun radio membacakan sebuah ramalan cuaca yang menyatakan bahwa
malam ini akan terjadi badai hujan, Setelah mendengar berita tersebut Danny
memutuskan untuk membawaku kerumahnya.
Levina, apakah kau sudah bangun ? ini sudah jam 7 pagi, aku rasa pagi ini akan
cerah” terdengar suara lelaki berteriak dari luar pintu. Pasti, Danny !
tentu, aku baru saja terbangun dari tidur nyenyakku. Dan aku akan segera
keluar” teriakku dari balik pintu, Aku mendengar Danny terkekeh pelan. Ah, apakah ada yang lucu dengan
perkataanku ? aku rasa tidak. Tapi jika mengingat boss-ku , Danny. Danny
Simpson maksudku, dia mempunyai selera humor yang tinggi. Tentu saja aku suka
dengan tipe boss seperti itu.
Aku mulai beranjak dari kasur empuk ini
dan mulai membereskan tempat tidur yang berantakan. Sepertinya aku akan rindu
dengan tempat tidur ini, lebih tepatnya lagi kamar tidur milik Danny. Selesai
dengan itu , aku mulai berjalan langkah demi langkah menuju cermin yang terletak
di pojok kiri ruangan. Aku sedikit merapihkan rambut dan bajuku yang terlihat
longgar di tubuh mungil milikku. Baju ini , baju yang Danny pinjamkan padaku semalam.
Kau harus ingat ! Danny bukan seorang Boss yang pelit dan memiliki perut yang
buncit melainkan sebaliknya, ia orang yang baik dan baju ini ? baju ini
terlihat longgar ditubuhku karena tentu saja, aku memiliki badan yang mungil.
Sedangkan , Danny ? dia seorang lelaki berperawakan maskulin. Tubuhnya tegap,
lengan-lengannya menonjol di beberapa bagian menunjukkan otot-ototnya. Ah , tentu saja dia boss-ku yang sexy.
Aku melenggangkan kaki-ku untuk keluar
dari kamar, mataku sementara menilik keadaan rumah ini lalu memutuskan turun ke
lantai bawah, tentu saja Danny mempunyai rumah yang bertingkat. Kaki jenjangku
kali ini sedang berhati-hati menuruni tangga, anak tangga demi anak tangga aku
turuni hingga akhirnya aku sampai pada anak tangga pertama. Aku memincingkan
mataku pada seorang lelaki yang berada di dapur sekarang, tangan kirinya kini
sedang memegang roti dan tangan kanannya sibuk mengolesi selai pada roti itu.
ah, kau sudah turun levina ?” katanya
padaku, aku hanya terdiam lalu berjalan menuju dapur ,menghampiri Danny.
ya , tentu saja! ” Danny terkekeh
mendengar jawabanku. Lalu melanjutkan aktivitasnya tadi, mengolesi selai pada
roti. Tangannya lihai sekali saat mengolesi selai-selai itu.
aku benar-benar bangga padamu !” dia tersenyum padaku lalu mengedipkan sebelah
matanya, khas Pervert-nya. Umm..ya
walaupun dia tidak se- Pervert itu.
“maksudku, aku bangga dengan kerja kerasmu. Karena kau , aku bisa mendapatkan
banyak keuntungan darimu. Entahlah, bagaimana aku harus berterima kasih padamu.
Tapi sepertinya aku akan menaikkan gajimu” lanjutnya. Kelopak mataku melebar
tidak percaya , ah benarkah itu ? benarkah itu ? benarkah Danny akan menaikan
gajiku ? oh, Gosh !!!
apa kau bersungguh-sungguh ,Danny ?” kataku sambil melompat kegirangan, pria
itu hanya tertawa geli melihatku. “ah,
ayolah, Danny ! apa kau bersungguh-sungguh?” dia masih tertawa , uh,
sungguh apa yang ia tertawakan ? aku hanya butuh kepastian.
aku akan menaikkan gajimu.” Katanya sambil memegangi pundakku agar aku berhenti
melompat. Oh, Geez! Aku tidak
bermimpi kan ? . “ berhentilah
melompat Levina, jangan buang tenagamu untuk melompat. Kau harus dalam keadaan
baik malam ini. Ini akan menjadi malam spesial bagi kita.” Lanjutnya. Uh, tunggu ! malam spesial katanya ? ada
apa pada malam ini ? malam spesial ? apakah Danny berulang tahun malam ini ? ah, tentu saja tidak ! dia sudah
merayakan ulang tahunnya sebulan yang lalu, jadi malam spesial apa ini ?.
spesial?” kataku heran, Danny hanya menggerakkan kepalanya keatas lalu kebawah.
ya , malam spesial. Liam, Liam Payne dia akan menyewa Night Club milik kita” katanya. Sambil menyebutkan nama yang begitu
asing bagiku. Liam Payne ? sepertinya dia orang yang kaya, buktinya ia dapat
menyewa Night Club milik Danny.
Payne? Siapa dia?” tanyaku padanya , Danny hanya membalas dengan tawanya yang
apa kau sungguh tidak mengetauhi siapa pria itu ? apakah kau tidak pernah
menonton televise ataupun hanya sekedar membaca Koran ataupun majalah ?”
tanyanya padaku , sambil tangannya memegangi perutnya. Mungkin akibat ia
tertawa dengan hebat.
tertawa ! uh, kau pasti tau ! aku
terlalu sibuk , aku tidak mempunyai waktu untuk menonton televise ataupun hanya
sekedar membaca Koran dan majalah bodoh itu” kataku jujur padanya, dia
menghentikan tawanya lalu mendekat kearahku.
ah, baiklah. Liam Payne, ya Liam
Payne dia adalah CEO dari perusahaan Payne Inc” katanya, CEO ? Payne Inc ?
apa-apaan ?! coba tebak Payne Inc ? bukankah itu sungguh aneh ? haha, apakah
dia dapat membuat itu lebih aneh lagi ?! Payne Inc.
Inc ? aku tidak pernah dengar itu” kataku , dia kembali tertawa. Oh , hey ! aku sungguh tidak mengetauhi
tentang itu.
oh,please. jangan buat aku tertawa
kembali , levina” katanya, aku hanya merucutkan bibirku.
aku bersungguh-sungguh” dia berhenti tertawa , lalu menatapku sekejap dan
setelah itu dia kembali ke dapur. Mengambil piring besar yang diatasnya telah
berisi roti-roti berselai.
baiklah , lupakan itu levina. Payne Inc adalah perusahaan terkenal di kota
Washington ini, pemilik perusahaan itu adalah seorang pria muda bernama Liam
Payne. Pria itu pun banyak di nobatkan menjadi pria muda tersukses di kota ini
oleh beberapa majalah dan koran.” katanya sambil tangannya menata piring besar
yang diatasnya sudah tertata rapi beberapa roti.
um, baiklah” kataku, sambil mengekori
langkahnya dari belakang. Dan selanjutnya ,Danny menghempaskan bokongnya untuk duduk
di salah satu kursi makan, aku mengikuti apa yang pria itu lakukan. Aku menarik
perlahan kursi yang bersebrangan dengan Danny , terdengar bunyi deritan antar
kursi dan lantai yang saling bergesekkan saat aku menariknya.
“um, ya ! aku hampir lupa. Kau ingin susu
atau teh ?”
Susu saja” kataku, pria itu menganggukkan kepalanya lalu beranjak berdiri
berjalan kembali kearah dapur, dia berjalan ke sisi dapur dimana lemari
pendingin berada. Tangan kanannya membuka pintu kulkas itu secara perlahan,
lalu tangan kirinya dengan sigap mengambil se-kotak susu dari lemari pendingin
tersebut. Dia membalikkan kembali badannya , lalu berjalan kembali kearahku ,
maksudku ke meja makan. Lalu Dia meletakkan kotak susu tersebut diatas meja
“um, baik levina. Setelah ini aku akan
memberikanmu sedikit uang untuk berbelanja perlengkapan nanti malam. Kau harus
tampil cantik dan sexy malam ini.”
Katanya dengan raut wajah serius, well, baiklah dia juga adalah tipe boss yang
serius dalam pekerjaan walaupun menurutku dia adalah seorang yang humoris.
Levina Adrienne’s Point Of View
sepertinya pagi ini aku akan sibuk. Maksudku sibuk untuk merawat tubuhku,
memanjakan mereka walaupun hanya sebentar , dan sedikit berbelanja pakaian.
Mengingat malam ini adalah malam spesial bagi Danny, karena baru saja ada pria
muda yang ‘katanya’ pengusaha sukses
di Washington telah menyewa Night Club
miliknya. Nama pria itu Liam, Liam Payne dan perusahaan bodohnya itu Payne Inc
? Oh , Please ! jangan buat aku tertawa. Payne Inc ?
apa-apaan itu. Itu nama perusahaan paling bodoh yang pernah aku dengar, aku
“….kau harus tampil cantik dan sexy malam
ini” kata-kata
itu, ya aku akan mengingatnya. Aku akan tampil cantik dan sexy untuk malam ini. Aku sempat penasaran, mengapa harus di saat
pria bodoh itu menyewa Night Club
milik Danny semua pekerja harus memperhatikan penampilan mereka ? apakah
sebegitu spesialnya malam ini? Ah,
lupakan itu Levina. Kau tidak berhak mencampuri urusan bodoh itu. Lebih baik
kau segera beranjak pergi untuk memulai perawatan tubuh ,lalu hal yang kedua
adalah membeli pakaian.
Makan pagiku dan Danny sudah selesai 5 menit yang lalu, pria itu menepati
janjinya, maksudku janjinya yang akan memberikanku sedikit uang. Aku mengambil
uang yang Danny beri, lalu segera berpamitan dengannya.
Bagaimana ? masih mau setia nunggu kelanjutannya ? wahahaha, sinopsis di postingan sebelumnya yaaa
Rabu, 25 Desember 2013
SHOT - Sinopsis
Holaaaaa :) buat para Directioners aku bawa FF nih xD ya FF baru. maaf ya Love And Crime ga aku lanjut karena data-datanya ilang semua, soalnya laptop gue waktu itu di install :3 mau ngetik lagi tiba-tiba nge-stuck. so, ini dari sinopsis dulu. Nah, bagi yang pengen cepet-cepet liat kelanjutannya kalian bisa lihat di akun wattpadku nih -> DreaminOnYou
Tunggu yaps Part 1 nya kalau emang mau setia nunggunya di blog :3 eh jangan lupa follow wattpadku
Title: Shot
Author: Erica Mulyani
Genre: Hurts , Romance , Badass ,
Adult , Night Club Life.
Cast: Liam Payne as Him Self ,
Barbara Palvin as Levina Adrienne , Eric Saade as Danny Simpson , and the
kau percaya dengan cinta pada pandangan pertama ? ya, Cinta pada pandangan
pertama. saat dimana pertama kali kalian melihat seseorang yang dapat menarik
hatimu. Mungkin itu bisa membuatmu tergila-gila karenanya, seperti sebuah
minuman yang memabukkan, membutakan semuanya dan kalian akan terbuai olehnya.
Aku Liam Payne, orang yang tidak percaya dengan itu semua. Cinta pada pandangan
pertama, hanya sebuah omong kosong belaka bagiku. Entah apa yang membuat otakku
berpikir jika aku tidak akan menemukan cinta pada pandangan pertama. Menganggap
semua wanita terlihat sama, seperti duri yang mengancam kehidupanku. Ibarat
jika aku menggenggam duri itu, aku akan terluka. Dan jika aku tetap
menggenggamnya aku akan terluka selamanya, seperti sebuah keterpurukan. Lalu
jika aku melepasnya aku akan terhindar dari rasa sakit yang timbul dari luka
itu. Pemikiran itu, pemikiran yang selalu terulang setiap kalinya, menjaga
diriku agar terhindar dari duri itu. Membuatku tidak mudah jatuh cinta, karena satu alasan itu aku tidak dapat menggenggam
salah satu dari duri tersebut.
Tetapi setelah wanita itu datang ,
datang kedalam duniaku. Aku mengetahui itu semua, semua tentang cinta. Wanita
itu mengajariku semuanya, bagaimana itu perasaaan rindu, sedih, cemburu, dan
cara mengendalikan emosional dalam diriku. Aku tidak sadar, bila aku telah
mengenggam salah satu dari duri tersebut. Entah, sihir apa yang telah wanita
itu ucapkan padaku. Ia merubah segalanya. Levina. Levina Adrienne, dialah yang
merubahku. Dimana saat aku merasa rindu ia selalu berada disampingku, pelukan
hangatnya dengan setia menjadi penglepas rinduku padanya, tempat paling nyaman
menurutku. Aku mencintai wanita itu , aku mencintaimu Levina Adrienne. Aku
tidak akan melepaskanmu, membuangmu begitu saja untuk pria lain selain diriku.
Aku yakin kau hanya diciptakan untuk menjadi milikku seorang, walaupun aku
harus terluka karena menyentuhmu, menggengammu, menggenggam duri itu.
“ Aku yakin , Aku Percaya bila
kau di ciptakan dan ditakdirkan hanya untuk menjadi milikku seorang” –Liam
“ Aku pun merasakan hal yang sama
denganmu , aku mencintaimu. Tetapi mengapa kau menyembunyikannya ? apa kau
takut jatuh cinta padaku ?” – Levinna Adrienne
Tunggu yaps Part 1 nya kalau emang mau setia nunggunya di blog :3 eh jangan lupa follow wattpadku
Fakta Unik One Direction Terbaru 2013
- Niall suka sama parfume chanel blue, victoria's secret
-Harry ngaku kalau dia pengen punya cewek yg tahan banting waktu harry jadiin dia bahan brcandaan
-Zayn bilang kalau cewek bertubuh mungil adalah cewek yang paling cute
-1DDay: "Akhirnya aku Bisa makan Nasi Goreng dari Indonesia,Yg telah lama aku inginkan,,Jujur makanan ini sangat Enak" -Niall Horan :')
- harry pernah disuruh temennya ngitemin badannya, eh pas masuk-masuk sekolah warna badannya bkn coklat, tapi orange
- sepanjang perfom mereka di Xfactor, 1D selalu mendapatkan komentar baik dari para juri
- Louis sangat suka berselancar di pantai, makanya dia pengen banget menikah di pantai ;)
-"Jangan lepas atau membuka kerudung kalian , Kalau kalian cewek beragama Islam "- Zayn Malik
- zayn suka nulis sebuah lagu dan dia juga udah nulis beberapa lagu dari sebelum dia terkenal. emang bakat :)
- Harry pingin punya cewe yang lebih pendek dari dia, supaya mereka bisa cuddle bareng-bareng ;)
- Kelemahan Louis yang paling besar adalah terlalu gampang percaya sama orang lain.
-the boys pernah nyemprotin gas pemadam kebakaran ke mukanya niall.
-louis blg kalo dia bs jd cewe, dia mau jd cheryl cole, trus lgsg lari ke depan kaca dan ngeliat badannya pas naked.
-the boys suka ngasih selimut dan makanan buat fans-fansnya yg kedinginan nungguin mereka diluar
-saking hiperaktifnya, waktu kecil Zayn pernah ngelempar TV keluar jendela rumahnya
-kalau lagi di mandi, niall juga suka nyanyi sambil teriak-teriak kayak lg dikonser.
-Harry ngaku kalau dia pengen punya cewek yg tahan banting waktu harry jadiin dia bahan brcandaan
-Zayn bilang kalau cewek bertubuh mungil adalah cewek yang paling cute
-1DDay: "Akhirnya aku Bisa makan Nasi Goreng dari Indonesia,Yg telah lama aku inginkan,,Jujur makanan ini sangat Enak" -Niall Horan :')
- harry pernah disuruh temennya ngitemin badannya, eh pas masuk-masuk sekolah warna badannya bkn coklat, tapi orange
- sepanjang perfom mereka di Xfactor, 1D selalu mendapatkan komentar baik dari para juri
- Louis sangat suka berselancar di pantai, makanya dia pengen banget menikah di pantai ;)
-"Jangan lepas atau membuka kerudung kalian , Kalau kalian cewek beragama Islam "- Zayn Malik
- zayn suka nulis sebuah lagu dan dia juga udah nulis beberapa lagu dari sebelum dia terkenal. emang bakat :)
- Harry pingin punya cewe yang lebih pendek dari dia, supaya mereka bisa cuddle bareng-bareng ;)
- Kelemahan Louis yang paling besar adalah terlalu gampang percaya sama orang lain.
-the boys pernah nyemprotin gas pemadam kebakaran ke mukanya niall.
-louis blg kalo dia bs jd cewe, dia mau jd cheryl cole, trus lgsg lari ke depan kaca dan ngeliat badannya pas naked.
-the boys suka ngasih selimut dan makanan buat fans-fansnya yg kedinginan nungguin mereka diluar
-saking hiperaktifnya, waktu kecil Zayn pernah ngelempar TV keluar jendela rumahnya
-kalau lagi di mandi, niall juga suka nyanyi sambil teriak-teriak kayak lg dikonser.
Fakta Justin Bieber Terbaru 2013
nih, Buat Beliebers yang nunggu-nuggu aku posting factsnya justin :3 hehe... langsung deh capcus
- "sukses yang telah kuraih,
datang dari Tuhan"- justin bieber
- "sukses yang telah kuraih,
datang dari Tuhan"- justin bieber
- Justin bersumpah bahwa tidak ada adegan dalam film 'Never Say Never' itu bernaskah.
- Di Believe Movie Premiere, Megan & Liz Suka Sama Semua Tattoo Yang Ada Di Lengan Justin (:
- Bahasa gaul favoritnya Justin adalah 'shawty' yang artinya (seorang gadis yang menarik)
-kalo sedang bosan, justin suka banget main games di Ipadnya
- Di lagu U Smile, Justin mengatakan ‘Smile’ 36x. Di NSN, Justin mengatakan ‘Never’ 46x & di Baby, Justin mengatakan ‘Baby’ 5
- Justin itu sangat sayang sama semua beliebers, dia bilang beliebers itu adalah pacarnya
- justin pernah ketemu belieber yg pergelangan tangannya luka, trus justin peluk dia dan bilang kalau dia cantik.
-Justin memang paling jago ngegombal, tapi dia bilang dia ngga suka permainin hati cewek.
- Menurut Justin, perempuan Asia itu memiliki kecantikan tersendiri dan berbeda dari yang lain.
- jaden smith pernah bilang justin itu ga mau ngeliat langsung ke mata beliebers soalnya dia takut mereka bakal pingsan. lol
- justin itu pecinta mobil sport
- Justin pernah bilang sama mom pattie kalo dia pengen punya istri belieber karena belieber pasti mencintainya dengan tulus :')
- Ketika Justin menunjuk pada seorang cewek di konser atau saat ia bernyanyi, itu berarti dia berpikir cewek itu menarik
- pas Justin di China, dia nge spend $1,500 di satu toko untuk beli skateboards, HUF, Stussy, Hurley and Volcom Tees
- Justin ditawari 25 juta dolar untuk menjadi seorang Juri American Idol, tapi justin menolak
-Justin Pernah Ngomong Sama Penggemar 'KAMU SEXY' Terus Penggemarnya Itu Nangis
- Justin suka cewek yang matanya hitam, rambutnya panjang dan hitam juga
- #Journals udah menduduki peringkat 1 di 43 negara. Dan peringkat 10 teratas di 64 negara di seluruh dunia.
udah deh segitu doang :3 hehe, maaf ya kalau dikit ;) serius nanti gue next deh. mwahahaha.
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber – Swap It Out
Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
I can show you what I’m talking about
Be obliged just to show you how
Follow my lead, that’s what you oughta do
No pressure
Swapping mine ain’t ever been a crime
If it was then I’d do the time
Throw away the keys as long as I’m here with you
Eye for an eye
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it
Be obliged just to show you how
Follow my lead, that’s what you oughta do
No pressure
Swapping mine ain’t ever been a crime
If it was then I’d do the time
Throw away the keys as long as I’m here with you
Eye for an eye
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it
Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
Oh swappin’ out will only change your life
It’s worried ‘bout the sacrifice
After all what do we have to lose
Don’t separate our destiny
By separating you from me
These are the terms
That we’re made for each other
It’s worried ‘bout the sacrifice
After all what do we have to lose
Don’t separate our destiny
By separating you from me
These are the terms
That we’re made for each other
Eye for an eye
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it
I’m the one that told you
Wipe your pretty eyes, dry ‘em on my shoulder
You ain’t gotta try, try to get closer
Fifty-fifty here, let’s make it, devise it
Simulate the love
Try it ‘for you knock it
You ain’t gotta rush
But you ain’t gotta stop it
Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
Don’t be afraid darling
I got your back baby
Oh you don’t gotta worry, no
You gotta know that baby
Open up to me
Don’t be afraid darling
I got your back baby
Oh you don’t gotta worry, no
You gotta know that baby
Open up to me
Open up to me, it’s all you gotta do
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
Give me all your heart, swap it mine out with you
Swap it out with you
Swap it out with you
Come into my world
I gave my world to you
We can swap swap swap it out
We can swap out our love, oh
Over and over and over again
Oh you ain’t gotta be afraid
Oh your love is in my hands
My hands, your love is in my hands
Oh your love is in my hands
Over and over and over again
Oh you ain’t gotta be afraid
Oh your love is in my hands
My hands, your love is in my hands
Oh your love is in my hands
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber - Memphis
I love you, need you
Need you to stay
Girl you’re on my mind like 24/7
Every single time that I’m not with you
If you spend the night, baby it could be heaven
Hit me on my line if you’re tryna come through
I feel my heartbeat bumpin’ to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won’t go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
“Love, you, need you, need you here to stay”
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Need you to stay
Girl you’re on my mind like 24/7
Every single time that I’m not with you
If you spend the night, baby it could be heaven
Hit me on my line if you’re tryna come through
I feel my heartbeat bumpin’ to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won’t go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
“Love, you, need you, need you here to stay”
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
Every time you’re distant, girl somethin’ is missin’
And wish that I could fix it, I wish things were different
What else, what else, if you love me, girl then say it
Say what else, what else, if you wanna be my baby
I feel my heartbeat bumpin’ to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won’t go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
“Love, you, need you, need you here to stay”
Every time you’re distant, girl somethin’ is missin’
And wish that I could fix it, I wish things were different
What else, what else, if you love me, girl then say it
Say what else, what else, if you wanna be my baby
I feel my heartbeat bumpin’ to the bass
She give me butterflies and they won’t go away
Under the stars, she took my hand and said
“Love, you, need you, need you here to stay”
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
Is this what you want? The baddest, the baddest
I know what you want, without askin’
I hit once, have to have it, hit it twice, it’s a habit, don’t get caught up in traffic
I heard that it’s stormin’ outside, let’s do that on the mattress
I just keep askin, is it real, is it real? Look, tell me, is it real?
Yep, real enough to go and get it tatted
Give you flowers, now you look like you’re on a pageant
I can take you to the crib, condo, or the cabin, what’s up?
If you make it, I can make it happen, I can grant it
Don’t you take my “grant it” though for granted
I know that’s not your intent, we ain’t even campin’
And to leave this bed Imma need a fuckin’ ransom
Man I got her screamin’ “Finally Famous!” when we fly around
Never lie to you ‘less I lie you down
I put the writin’ on the wall, but you don’t understand it all like we in Chinatown
We one and one, both one of ones, and when you put the twos together
That’s not twenty-two, it’s forever, I promise 20-20 couldn’t even make it clearer
I swear, Sean Don
Is this what you want? The baddest, the baddest
I know what you want, without askin’
I hit once, have to have it, hit it twice, it’s a habit, don’t get caught up in traffic
I heard that it’s stormin’ outside, let’s do that on the mattress
I just keep askin, is it real, is it real? Look, tell me, is it real?
Yep, real enough to go and get it tatted
Give you flowers, now you look like you’re on a pageant
I can take you to the crib, condo, or the cabin, what’s up?
If you make it, I can make it happen, I can grant it
Don’t you take my “grant it” though for granted
I know that’s not your intent, we ain’t even campin’
And to leave this bed Imma need a fuckin’ ransom
Man I got her screamin’ “Finally Famous!” when we fly around
Never lie to you ‘less I lie you down
I put the writin’ on the wall, but you don’t understand it all like we in Chinatown
We one and one, both one of ones, and when you put the twos together
That’s not twenty-two, it’s forever, I promise 20-20 couldn’t even make it clearer
I swear, Sean Don
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
I’d like to give you what you need
I try but you’re makin’ it hard for me
How do I make you believe?
Cause I love you, need you, need you here to stay
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber – Recovery
First, I’ll acknowledge
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Grants me with a second chance
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
Just tryna make it right.
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
Just tryna make it right.
Make it right
Make it right
Make it right
This time i’ll do you right
Missing your good intentions
Missing you from a distance
Hope you did the same
Make it right
Make it right
This time i’ll do you right
Missing your good intentions
Missing you from a distance
Hope you did the same
I know that I caused a problem
Know that I left you livid
Pushed you far away
Know that I left you livid
Pushed you far away
Learned it don’t pay to lie
Cause i don’t wanna see you cry
Sayin nothin gets you nowhere fast
I’ma hold it back inside
Cause i don’t wanna see you cry
Sayin nothin gets you nowhere fast
I’ma hold it back inside
But now that i’m back around ya
Nothing else really matters
Hope you feel the same
Nothing else really matters
Hope you feel the same
First, I’ll acknowledge
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Grants me with a second chance
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
Just tryna make it right.
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
Just tryna make it right.
Make it Right
Make it right
Make it right
This time i’ll do you right
Make it right
Make it right
This time i’ll do you right
I’m going through all the motions
Trying to find a reason
That we ended that way
Trying to find a reason
That we ended that way
Nothing in life is perfect
We’ll be changing like the seasons
That’s what they used to say
We’ll be changing like the seasons
That’s what they used to say
If it’s going to sleep alone at night
I don’t wanna close my eyes
Wanna give you all I have to give
I’m not holdin back this time
I don’t wanna close my eyes
Wanna give you all I have to give
I’m not holdin back this time
Now that i’m back around ya,
Nothin around me matters
Hope you feel the same
Nothin around me matters
Hope you feel the same
First, I’ll acknowledge
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
All trust has been broken
A successful recovery
I pray for us at night
Grants me with a second chance
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
And tryna make it right.
Never thought I’d see your face again
Learning life through trial and error
And tryna make it right.
Make it right (make it right, make it right)
Make it right (make it right, make it right)
make it right (make it right, make it right)
this time i’ll do you right
Make it right (make it right, make it right)
make it right (make it right, make it right)
this time i’ll do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
I’ma do you right
You know I’ma do you right
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber – One Life
So girl
You just be honest with me, I know we can make this work
love you
You just be honest with me, I know we can make this work
love you
I know that you afraid, babe
But you don’t need to be saved, babe
You just need someone who understands
And I think I need the same, babe
But you don’t need to be saved, babe
You just need someone who understands
And I think I need the same, babe
Show me where you at, let’s keep it honest
Home is where you at and that’s a promise
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby, nothing
Tell me what you want, let’s keep it gangsta
Tell me who created you, I’d thank her
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby
Home is where you at and that’s a promise
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby, nothing
Tell me what you want, let’s keep it gangsta
Tell me who created you, I’d thank her
Open up and never keep it from us
Nothing left between us, baby
Hopefully you’ll give me a chance
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you
I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you
I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
Tell me what you want, I can’t believe it
I know that if we make it there’s a reason
Sometimes the sun shines, baby
Sometimes it ain’t breezy
I hope that maybe this time it may be different
I told you I’mma make it happen, [?]
Yeah, you took your shot and didn’t miss it
Ain’t nothing more attractive than a mission
I know that if we make it there’s a reason
Sometimes the sun shines, baby
Sometimes it ain’t breezy
I hope that maybe this time it may be different
I told you I’mma make it happen, [?]
Yeah, you took your shot and didn’t miss it
Ain’t nothing more attractive than a mission
Hopefully you’ll give me a chance
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you
All I want is love and romance
I wanna give it all, give it all to you
I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you’re going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
Go where you’re going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
If I came to your crib would you open the door?
I don’t wanna go down that road no more
Said you wanted it bad, but girl I wanted it more
You’re the only one I wanna be with, yeah
I don’t wanna go down that road no more
Said you wanted it bad, but girl I wanted it more
You’re the only one I wanna be with, yeah
I wanna dream what you dream
Go where you’re going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
Go where you’re going
I only have one life
And I only wanna live it with you
I wanna sleep where you sleep
Connect with your soul
The only thing I want in life
I only wanna live it with you
Oh yeah, oh yeah
I only wanna live it with you
Only wanna live it with you
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber – What’s Hatnin
I pull up and then I hop out, like what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
Do you wanna scream and shout?
But I don’t wanna fight babe
I guess that’s why I’m leavin’ now
I can’t do nothin’ right babe, what’s hatnin’
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Do you wanna scream and shout?
But I don’t wanna fight babe
I guess that’s why I’m leavin’ now
I can’t do nothin’ right babe, what’s hatnin’
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
We just need forgiveness baby, I can give the business
I just, I just wanna give it to you
Girl let’s pick up where we started, we don’t need to worry ‘bout it
We just wanna have fun tonight
We just need forgiveness baby, I can give the business
I just, I just wanna give it to you
Girl let’s pick up where we started, we don’t need to worry ‘bout it
We just wanna have fun tonight
I pull up and then I hop out, like what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
I pull up and then I hop out, like what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
In love, what you waiting for?
I’ve been waiting for a girl like you for a long, long, long, long time now
In love
Don’t throw it away, don’t throw it away
In love, what you waiting for?
I’ve been waiting for a girl like you for a long, long, long, long time now
In love
Don’t throw it away, don’t throw it away
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me and we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
Arguin’ won’t fix the problem, talk with me, baby we can solve it
Be real with me, ain’t no other option, no other option
I pull up and then I hop out, like what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
I pull up and then I hop out, like what’s hatnin’
I knock on the door, she know who it is, what’s hatnin’
We on a roll, we ‘bout to go, what’s hatnin’
We took off in that UFO, like what’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, whatever happens, it’s hatnin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, baby girl what’s hatnin’
Don’t talk about it, just be about it, you got it girl, what’s hatnin’
Girl you my blessin’, with you undressin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’
Girl you my blessin’, with you undressin’
What’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’, what’s hatnin’
Lirik Lagu Justin Bieber – Backpack
You said “I come in peace” so I took you home
I gave you food and I gave you clothes
I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythms on
Still you wanna leave ‘cause you feel alone
I gave you food and I gave you clothes
I taught you how to move your feet when the rhythms on
Still you wanna leave ‘cause you feel alone
You don’t know what they’re like
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet’s life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen
Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet’s life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen
Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
Before you came around I was in a rut
Didn’t have a friend, didn’t know what it was
You taught how to dream and how to live
You’re my best friend please listen to me
Didn’t have a friend, didn’t know what it was
You taught how to dream and how to live
You’re my best friend please listen to me
You don’t know what they’re like
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet’s life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen
If they know that you’re alive
They’re gonna try to take away the secrets of your planet’s life
I know you must be upset, you lost your family in a wreck
But you gotta listen
Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
[Lil Wayne]
Greetings, I fell from the sky
I’m from a different world I use Lil Wayne as a disguise
And my flying saucer crashed, I’m the only one who survived
I’m only taking over this planet since I arrived
I’m in a backpack, I’m in ducking Men in Black
Yeah, I’m an alien, my swag is outta this world
Different galaxy, they try to capture me
When I die they gonna name this planet after me
Wayne’s world
Greetings, I fell from the sky
I’m from a different world I use Lil Wayne as a disguise
And my flying saucer crashed, I’m the only one who survived
I’m only taking over this planet since I arrived
I’m in a backpack, I’m in ducking Men in Black
Yeah, I’m an alien, my swag is outta this world
Different galaxy, they try to capture me
When I die they gonna name this planet after me
Wayne’s world
Don’t try to find your spaceship
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
It might be out there waiting
Stay in my backpack forever
Stay in my backpack forever
(You know I can’t find my spaceship, my planet’s outside there waiting, I can’t stay in your backpack forever)
On our planet we don’t kill one another
We don’t take love for granted
It’s a gift from the mother
In your planet, you are filled with greed and false belief
We came here to bring you peace
On our planet we don’t kill one another
We don’t take love for granted
It’s a gift from the mother
In your planet, you are filled with greed and false belief
We came here to bring you peace
Justin Bieber - Journals " TrackList "
holaaaaaaaaaa :3 udah lama loh gue gak nge-post xD hehe, okay deh langsung aja. kali ini gue mau posting TrackList di Journalsnya justin :3 mungkin bagi siapa aja gitu yang belum lengkap :3 mwihihihi. let's go !!
Tracklist for “Journals”:
1. Heartbreaker
2. All That Matters
3. Hold Tight
4. Recovery
5. Bad Day
6. All Bad
7. PYD feat. R. Kelly
8. Roller Coaster
9. Change Me
10. Confident feat. Chance The Rapper
11. One Life
12. Backpack feat. Lil Wayne
13. What’s Hatnin’ feat. Future
14. Swap It Out
15. Memphis feat. Big Sean
16. All That Matter – Music Video
17. Justin Bieber’s Believe Theatrical Trailer
18. Guatemala Pencils Of Promise Journal Video
Tracklist for “Journals”:
1. Heartbreaker
2. All That Matters
3. Hold Tight
4. Recovery
5. Bad Day
6. All Bad
7. PYD feat. R. Kelly
8. Roller Coaster
9. Change Me
10. Confident feat. Chance The Rapper
11. One Life
12. Backpack feat. Lil Wayne
13. What’s Hatnin’ feat. Future
14. Swap It Out
15. Memphis feat. Big Sean
16. All That Matter – Music Video
17. Justin Bieber’s Believe Theatrical Trailer
18. Guatemala Pencils Of Promise Journal Video
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